BLOOMDIGGITY Summer Flower Bar
Posted on June 5th, 2023
Everyone enjoyed the Flower Bar we set up for Discover Downtown Day SO MUCH, we thought we would bring it back as a Summer Feature!
We will be hosting an outdoor Flower Bar on the last Saturday of each month (June 24, July 29, August 26 & September 30), so mark your calendars!
How it will Work:
- On the dates listed above, the Flower Bar will be open from 12-3 or while supplies last (if we sell out before 3, then that’s it until the next month!)
- Selection and stem price will vary depending on market availability, but will always be priced economically (ideally between $2-4/stem)
- Flower Bar will be an store offering only (no online sales, sorry!)
Things to know about the Flower Bar:
- Stem prices only cover cost of blooms, shipping and staffing to host the bar (if we are lucky). In other words, BLOOMDIGGITY makes no profit off of the Flower Bar to cover expenses of operating a retail business.
- Economically priced blooms are a way of giving back to our community for it’s years of support, while also acknowledging that not everyone has the privilege of enjoying fresh cut flowers in our current markets. We hope it will bring the joy of flowers to our community members during the summer months, and will re-evaluate it’s potential at the end of the season.
- Economically priced stems can indicate shorter stem lengths, less blooms per stem, and smaller size of blooms; that (and the first point above) is why they are priced better than many of the premium blooms you see in our cooler on a daily basis.
Did you Know?
Our cooler* is always open to visitors!
If you are looking for individual stems that you can hand pick yourself on a regular day, stop on in! One of our designers will be happy to let you browse to your heart’s content, while sharing individual stem pricing and providing information about desired stems.
Our cooler* is always open to visitors!
If you are looking for individual stems that you can hand pick yourself on a regular day, stop on in! One of our designers will be happy to let you browse to your heart’s content, while sharing individual stem pricing and providing information about desired stems.
*Cooler pricing is different than Flower Bar pricing and reflects actual retail pricing for premium sourced blooms and foliage.