Special Occasion Flowers
How It Works
Ever wish you could just pre-plan all your special occasion flowers for the year and be the most adulting adult to ever adult? Well, your wish is our command! Get a year’s worth of special occasions sorted in one sitting, and never fret about it again. Mic. Drop.
Seriously though, we’re gonna make you look GOOD.
What Happens Next?
YOU: For each recipient you want to pre-plan flowers for, enter your special occasions and dates, and any special card messages. Select the size you want (ie. price), hand-tied versus fully designed, and your recipient contact information. And you’re done!
WE: Take ALL this information, organize it, and deliver your pre-planned flowers on your selected dates, ONLY charging you the week before your arrangement is meant to go out. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the glory of being so gosh darn on top of LIFE.
You, my friend, are one impressive individual.